Library, NTPU 应用

臺北大學電子法典 2.4
Library, NTPU
。"臺北大學電子法典"是將"全國法規資料庫"( 的資料依改組前的規範編輯成電子書的形式供使用者查詢使用。預建 200 筆常用法條與 725 筆大法官解釋。擁有搜尋、書籤功能。透過台北大學圖書館帳號可更新及擴充法條. "Taipei University ofElectronic Code" is a "national legislation Library" ( in accordance with the restructuring of the formereditor of a specification in the form of e-books for users to queryuses. Prebuilt Common Law Article 200 and 725 pen pen Justices. Has a search, bookmark function. To update and expand the statute through Taipei UniversityLibrary Account
臺北大學電子法典(平板) 1.4
Library, NTPU
。"臺北大學電子法典"是將"全國法規資料庫"( 的資料依改組前的規範編輯成電子書的形式供使用者查詢使用。預建 200 筆常用法條與 725 筆大法官解釋。擁有搜尋、書籤功能。透過台北大學圖書館帳號可更新及擴充法條. "Taipei University ofElectronic Code" is a "national legislation Library" ( in accordance with the restructuring of the formereditor of a specification in the form of e-books for users to queryuses. Prebuilt Common Law Article 200 and 725 pen pen Justices. Has a search, bookmark function. To update and expand the statute through Taipei UniversityLibrary Account
國立臺北大學新館啟用紀念版 1.0.5
Library, NTPU
國立臺北大學新館啟用紀念版APP特色:1.新館介紹:新館與舊館最大的不同是增設了許多特色學習空間哦!除了學校特色專區、學習共享區外,並增設團體視聽室、排練室、研究小間、討論室等自主學習空間,還針對怕吵的同學設置了「安靜閱讀區」,更有3-5F的放空區可以眺望北大美景哦~保證讓您流連忘返,不捨離去!2.書海尋寶:北大圖書館與別的圖書館有何不同呢?1F四大學校特色專區、2F學習共享區、6F校史館透過指定處QR code掃瞄,即使沒有館員導覽,也可以隨時進行探索尋寶哦!3.您選我買:線上薦購不稀奇,用APP行動閱選才跟的上潮流!一機在手,搭配APP ISBN掃瞄功能馬上查詢館藏複本,更可自動抓取書目完成薦購動作,省去您逐筆建檔的麻煩哦!趕快來試試吧!4.新館活動:您想知道圖書館最近有哪些活動嗎?不論是圖書館週活動、iPad借閱活動、書展、影展等,都可讓您隨時掌握,更重要的是絕不能錯過iPad抽獎哦!
國立台北大學行動圖書館APP 1.12.1
Library, NTPU
國立臺北大學學生自行開發的行動圖書館APP,同時支援iOS、Android作業系統,可免費下載至智慧型手機或平板電腦,提供最新訊息、館藏查詢、個人借閱、關於本館、重點活動、一般公告、新書推薦等功能,除可線上查詢個人借書狀況、借閱歷史及預約狀況外,更可利用行動裝置讀取圖書條碼,利用館藏系統查詢圖書現況,並能立即進行線上預約或預借,更與Facebook接軌讓讀者留下對書籍的評論分享,隨時隨地透過行動裝置享用臺北大學圖書館的各項服務與資源。國立臺北大學行動圖書館APP特色:1.最新訊息:提供圖書館重點活動、一般公告、新書推薦等入口網公告之最新消息,讓讀者隨時掌握國立臺北大學圖書館活動、服務及新進圖書資訊。2.館藏查詢:除以書名、作者等檢索點查詢館藏圖書外,更可利用行動裝置讀取圖書條碼方式連結館藏系統查詢,並能立即進行線上預約(已外借)或線上預借(在架上),節省讀者找書及借書時間。3. 個人借閱:只要輸入圖書館個人帳號及密碼,即可查詢個人基本資料、借書狀況、借閱歷史、借閱待取、預約狀況。4. 關於本館:包含國立臺北大學圖書館聯絡資訊、圖書館館舍介紹及APP開發小組成員介紹。National TaipeiUniversity students develop their own action library APP, whilesupporting iOS, Android operating system, you can download freesmart phone or tablet to provide the latest information, checkcollections, personal loan, about the museum, focusing onactivities, general announcements, New Books and other functions,in addition to online access to personal library status, loanhistory and reservation status, but also can use a mobile device toread barcodes of books, using books collection system queries thecurrent situation, and can immediately make an appointment or foronline master of, more and Facebook integration to allow readers toleave comments on the books to share, anytime, anywhere access tothe services and resources Taipei University Libraries mobiledevice.National Taipei University Library APP action features:        1 latest news: alibrary key activities, the latest news in general announcements,book recommendations, etc. Portal announcement, allowing readers tokeep abreast of National Taipei University library activities,library and information services and new entrants.        2 collectionsquery: divided by title, author, etc. retrieval point querycollections of books, but also can use a mobile device to readbooks Barcode way link collection system queries, and can beinstantly online reservation (already borrowed) or online master of(in shelves), saving readers find books and library time.        3 Personal Loan:Just enter the library personal account and password, you can checkbasic personal information, library status, loan history, loan tobe taken, booking status.        4 About the Museum:National Taipei University Library contains contact information,library premises introduction and development team members onAPP.
NTPU Mobile Library App 1.1.1
Library, NTPU
A National Taipei University present,theMobile Library App which supports both iOS andAndroidsystem.Now, it is FREE to download to your pad or smart phone.It provides users the News and Catalog for grasping the activityofNTPU Library, and an easy way to use the resources suchaselectronic resources and physical collection.It also provides ISBN scanning operation to reduce our searchefforton Library's collection, and immediately borrow or makeareservation for books.Mobile Library App :1. NewsProviding the News of recently activities and generalinformation,and also give users some recommendation of choosing thenewestbooks of library's collection2. Library CatalogWith entering the keyword or even simply scanning the ISBN tocheckif the books are in library's collection. If it so, thenusers can easily click some buttons to borrow or reserver thebooksonline.3. My AccountWithin Library ID and Password, users can find theirPersonalInformation, Borrow Status, Reading History, Items on Hold,andReserve Status4. About the LibraryContact Information, and Introducion to App Development Team